
R plot rename x lab
R plot rename x lab

setting the margins for individual plots: mar MarginsĪs with mgp, margin size is specified in units of the number of lines of text. You can access the majority of other fonts on your computer with the extrafonts package. par( tcl = 0.5, mgp = c( 2.5, 0.5, 0), las = 1,įont.main = 4, font.lab = 3, # set plot title to bold italic, and axis labels to italic family = 'serif') # set font to the default serif font (often Times New Roman). In many graphics devices, you can also specify the family (serif (often Times New Romas), san-serif (often Helvetica), monotype (often Courier)) via family = 'serif', family = 'sans', or family = 'mono'. You can use font = to specify whether the font is plain (1, default), bold (2), italic (3), or bold italic (4).įont.axis, font.lab, font.main, font.sub set fonts for each respective text. However, there are some straightforward things we can do easily. Further, font can be specified in several different ways, and there is no universal system of naming or calling fonts in computer operating systems. ) has its own default fonts and system of dealing with fonts. plot(Head ~ Tarsus, data = BirdData,įonts in R (and other software) are tricky, because each graphics device (e.g., pdf, png. Here we modify the axes of our previous plot. I often set the las = 1 to ensure that the y-axis labels are easier to read. Sets the style of the axis labels: always parallel to the axis (0, default), always horizontal (1), always perpendicular to the axis (2), and always vertical (3). Note that this will not suppress the axis title. Setting xaxt = 'n' will suppress the plotting of the x axis, allowing you to create your own (see below). If we have flipped the tick to point inwards, the axis numbers and title look better if they are moved slightly closer in: mgp = c(2.5, 0.5, 0). Sets the distance away from 0 of the axis title, axis labels and axis line. To flip, remove the minus sign: par(tcl = 0.5). You can flip the direction and set the length of axes tick marks. Create all figures in their own specific graphic device function, as described later. Here, the graphic parameter settings are stored in the variable op, we make our figures using the modified parameters, and par(op) resets the parameters to their defaults. Nest plotting within two further lines of code. Any new window will have the default parameters.ī. If you do not want this to happen, there are three ways to 'reset' par().Ī. Important! Once you use par() to change parameters, these settings will apply to all future graphics created in the open window You should spend some time looking over this page to see what other options are available.Īll the arguments listed below are placed within par(), e.g., par(pch = 13, cex = 2). They are all listed on the par() help page. Some you will use all the time, others will not be touched. There are a lot of parameters that you can control (see ?par). The parameters function, par(), is used to modify the basic appearance and layout of graphics. These arguments are actually arguments for the graphical parameters function par().

r plot rename x lab

We will use this explicitly when we write our own functions, but for now, we can see that arguments such as cex, pch, etc. is special and allows arguments for one function to be passed through another function. However, if you look at the help file ( ?plot), there are only three arguments specified: plot(x, y. In the previous class, to modify elements of the graphic we added various arguments to the function plot(). plot(Head ~ Tarsus, data = BirdData,Ĭol = Species, # here we use a column name cex = 3) Here is the last plot we made, with symbol colour a function of species.

r plot rename x lab r plot rename x lab

Species = c( 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B')Ĭheck it BirdData # Tarsus Head Weight Wingcrd Species

  • Consider how best to present your data to tell its story.
  • Make plots according to specific spublisher or thesis requirements.
  • Modify default plots using the graphical parameters function.
  • Functions: par() and associated arguments, layout(), lines(), points(), text(), axes(), mtext(), box()

    R plot rename x lab